Our team is dedicated to making the lives of all Lexington County residents safer, and everyone in the community has a role to play in keeping themselves and their families safe – especially during an emergency. 

Emergencies are always unexpected, and when we’re hit with an unexpected situation it can be hard to think about the best way to react to prevent the situation from escalating and to keep people safe. 

Having to stop and think about the best thing to do or what to take with us in an emergency means we collectively respond slower, putting more lives at risk.

That’s why we encourage all families to think ahead and to plan what they’d do when a difficult and dangerous situation arises. 

“Handling an emergency is really hard. Having to also weigh the options and decide on the best thing to do at that moment makes a difficult situation even harder,” explains Sheriff Jay Koon

“By thinking through what to do and making a plan, families are making things easier on themselves when an emergency hits, keeping them and the people around them safer.”

Emergencies come in all shapes and sizes. It could be flooding as a result of a storm right through to a mass evacuation in the case of a hazardous material leakage

Our officers are involved in coordinating the community response, and this can often include having to ask people to leave their homes with little to no notice. 

By thinking ahead and putting a family emergency plan in place, you can protect those you care about the most. This should include things such as where family members would go if you’re unable to return home, your escape routes and how you’ll communicate to let each other know where you are and that you’re safe.  

It’s also a great idea to create a ready-to-go emergency response kit with essentials to last up to three days in case of an emergency. Having smaller portable kits in places such as your car or at work can also make things much easier if an emergency hits when you’re away from home. 

A key part of being prepared is also being aware. You can sign up for Emergency Weather Alerts from the National Weather Service, and you’ll receive a free emergency alert direct to your cell if you’re in the specific area when a severe weather warning is issued.

You can receive local alerts that might impact your county, right down to your neighborhood when you sign up to receive Code Red alerts issued by the County of Lexington

Being prepared, staying alert for warnings and listening to emergency responders helps all of us stay safe and protect the homes, community and people we love so much. 

If you have questions about how to respond to an emergency or want advice on putting together an emergency preparedness plan, we encourage you to visit the County of Lexington’s emergency management webpage.