A New Badge of Honor for Veterans to Wear

As with any change in career path, the transition from the military to civilian life is a big deal. The conditions become fundamentally different and many veterans struggle to find meaningful work. If you’re a service member thinking ahead to life outside of the military or are a veteran eager to transition into a new career, law enforcement can feel like a natural fit.

Those who are coming out of military service carry a range of high-level skills and discipline, a lot of which are transferable skills to anyone interested in a deputy or school resource officer role. Here are three reasons why veterans should consider a career in law enforcement:

It’s another opportunity to serve. 

Followed by the opportunity to continue a family tradition and to earn respect, the number one reason why people join the military is for the chance to serve their country. Many Americans enlist in the armed services with a desire to serve and make an impact, and the same goes for those who enter careers in law enforcement.

From protecting the community, serving as a role model for the younger generation, and having a presence that could save lives, any position in law enforcement gives you a great opportunity to serve the greater good of the community.

Veterans are trained to work as a team to thrive.

The military emphasizes the importance of teamwork from the second you step foot in boot camp in order to get through situations safely and efficiently. Military members are also taught to communicate with confidence and clarity as part of their training exercises. They’re taught the way a message is delivered is crucial to their survival – which is also important in law enforcement.

In both careers, you’re surrounded by people who will be there for you and have your back. You’re working with people who all have the same intentions and want to help you succeed.

Critical thinking in fast-paced environments is not new to veterans.

The ability to understand instructions, solve problems, learn and easily adapt is one of the first things a recruiter will assess when candidates are looking to enter the law enforcement profession. It is crucial to be able to make informed and smart decisions in any situation. Veterans are not new to this responsibility, which makes them a great fit for all types of law enforcement roles.

If you’re looking to transition into another role where you can wear your uniform with pride, the Lexington County Sheriff’s Office has open positions available and is proud to work with veterans.

Ideas for Building Positive Community and Police Relations

There is a growing emphasis on law enforcement agencies building relationships with the community they serve. Here in Lexington County, we are extremely grateful for the relationship we have with our community and for the unparalleled support we have from them.

We work hard to make sure the community knows we have their back and that we are serving with the overall goal of protecting them and their families. Many of the events we do provide the community an opportunity to meet us face to face and start those conversations that build good relationships. A few examples of events we participate in throughout the year:

Touch a Truck

This annual event is one of the highlights of our calendar. It targets mostly children, and is a time for the youngest members of the community to get an inside look at some of the trucks and vehicles they may see us, and other first responders, drive throughout their community. From patrol cars to boats, it gives children a hands-on experience to interact with deputies and ask any questions. These are often hosted in partnership with other local first responders and are a highly-favored event among families.

National Night Out

National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

Each August, multiple National Night Out events are hosted throughout different neighborhoods, homes and parks in the community. Community members are invited to come play games, enjoy great food and really get to know the people who serve them every day.

Teaming Up with Local Businesses

Strengthening community relationships with not only the people, but other organizations and businesses in the area has been a key focus for our department. Whether it’s partnering with a local summer camp to show up and host a demonstration about fingerprinting, working with a local food bank on a fundraiser or showing up to throw the first pitch at the city’s local baseball game, we have done it. Seek out unique opportunities and don’t be afraid to try new ways of partnering with the community.

If you’re looking to join a department that holds the community at the heart of everything it does, the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department would love to have you join our family. You can learn more about us and our community at www.joinlcsd.com.