Benefits of Working in Detention

Whether you know a career in law enforcement is right for you and you’re looking for the right role or you’re on a journey to find a rewarding career path, we want to highlight some of the many benefits of working within detention. As a deputy in detention, your main job purpose is to provide for the safety of the staff and inmates, but there are many more benefits that come with the job.

One great perk of working within detention is the job security and opportunities. In an age where many jobs are or are at risk of being replaced by robots and AI, this job is one that will likely never go away. There will always be a need for it and that allows you the opportunity for a long-term career to grow and excel in. Working in detention also allows you the chance to work in an active environment that changes daily, so it doesn’t feel mundane like classic office work might. 

Another key benefit to consider is that working as a government employee often means deputies can qualify for earlier retirements, competitive benefit and insurance packages, and robust pension plans. With South Carolina recently signing a bill allowing 18-year-olds to work in corrections, it means those as young as 18 can begin their training to be a detention deputy as long as they have a high school diploma. This means young adults have the chance to avoid student debt as no college degree is needed (though certain degrees can always help) and training is provided once hired. Even without a four-year degree, there’s a high earning potential that can continue to increase the longer you work.

Lastly, a role in detention allows you to really hone your skills to become a more well-rounded individual. There will be difficult situations and challenges, these allow you to build on your leadership and problem-solving skills. You’ll be surrounded in a diverse environment with people from different backgrounds and life experiences, which gives you new perspectives on life. There’s also an element of working in detention that strengthens your physical stamina and agility.

If any of this sounds appealing to you, you might just be a perfect fit for a job within detention. We have openings for detention deputies at the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department and encourage you to apply if you’d love to be part of a wonderful community.

Deputy Spotlight: James Davenport

Detention Sergeant James Davenport grew up just a few-hundred feet from the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department.

He remembers watching the deputy sheriff cars passing his house on the way to the Sheriff’s Department’s headquarters. Now, Davenport is 12 years into his career at the Lexington County Detention Center.

When his son was nearing birth in 2010, Davenport started as a detention deputy, wanting a stable job to take care of his expanding family.

Since then, Davenport has acquired many experiences as a booking officer, classification officer and working with federal programs. As booking sergeant, he currently oversees the booking and release processes for inmates.

“I think the best part is booking people in…they come in under drugs or alcohol and they’ve been here, they get out and they’re sober,” Davenport said. “And you get to release them back into the community knowing that they can better suit the community because they’re not on drugs anymore.”

Davenport said the family atmosphere with his co-workers in the Detention Center is a crucial part of his job.

“If you’re going through stuff, people will call and check on you,” Davenport said. “You know they’re always there to have your back if you’re going through stuff… We collect money for them if they’ve been out for a long period of time, so they won’t fall back on their bills.”

Davenport credits many sergeants, lieutenants and his major for training and giving him knowledge about the field in his 12 years at the Detention Center. An important part of this training was dealing with inmates.

“Growing up in Lexington County, I know a lot of people that come in here,” Davenport said. “I treat them how I want to be treated because at the end of the day, everybody is somebody’s sister, brother, father, mother.”